Monday 3 June 2013

Visit my aunt 's

My aunt Yan came back to Canada last Friday. She traveled China for almost a month.She visited my parents' and brought a present to me.
Last Saturday morning aunt Yan told me she came back to Vancouver. After lunch I went to visit her and her family.
When I and my son were waiting a bus, a lady came to talk with us. She was a warmhearted woman. She told me some special children service in Vancouver. She advised I could bring my son to join some activities. So I should practise English language and knew more about Canada.
We arrived my aunt's house at 2 pm. My aunt and her husband were wating for us to come. We were so happy to meet each other again. My aunt told me her interesting journey in China.She had been traveled a lot of scenic spot. China is exactly a beatuiful country. The last she went to our hometown and visited my family. I miss my parents so much.My aunt gave me a very beautiful present. It is a Chinese style bracelet. I love this bracelet at first sight.
Eventhough Vancouver is a absolutely fascinating city,i still miss my country. I hope someday i can visit my hometown with my family. At that time i would tell the story of my childhood to my son.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Letter of Complaint

Dear principal:
I am writing this letter to complain about unhealthy food you give on Pizza Day.
My child and I love the Pizza Day,beacouse children can have much fun on that day and I don't have to pack a lunch,also it save money.But I don't agree that you give children doughtnuts and sugary drinks to go with the pizza. Doughtnuts and sugary drinks cause obesity in children. It is a bad example show children which food is good for health and which is not.
I would appreciate it if you would consider changing menu to be more nutritious. Children will happier and healther on Pizza Day.
Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.

Tuesday 9 April 2013

an unforgettable travel

I'll never forget the time I went rafting with my workmate. It was the most impressive travel experience of my life.
I still remember it was a sunny Sunday in summer.I decided to go to the Enping Cen Dong Grand Canyon with my workmate. That canyon was famous of rafting. It was in a very  remote mountain. It took about three hours to get there by bus. The mountain was very steep. I was so afraid that we would fall down. It was the first time that I fear of death. In fact,the driver was good at driving.
When we were shown up the Enping Cen Dong Grand Canyon it was lunchtime. After lunch,we begon to make preparations of the rafting. Then we took another bus to the top of the mountain. Rafting is the most exciting game i had ever play,the same of my workmate. Each boat could sit two people,so two people for a team. The team who first reach the finishing line will win prices! We tried our best to go fast,at the same time we must to prevented others attack. Water came from all sides i was wet from top to toe. At last,my team was the first one! We got the award,it is a water ladle! How silly the award was. But we enjoy rafting! I hope I can go rafting at least once in each summer!

Wednesday 3 April 2013

spring in vancouver

When is springtime, the weather in Vancouver is very comfortable!The weather is going warmer, it is very suitable for my family to have a happy outdoor weekend!
Last sunday,there was a sunny day,we went to the Standley park.There had train for children to little son was interested in take the train,and we took many pictures when we in the train.We love to go to the Standley park,not just because the train for my little boy,but the park is very beautiful when in spring,in the Rose's garden we found many kinds of flowers,it is too beautiful to let me believe that it is real.After we took the train,we went to the beach,my child played with other children,at the same time,i could enjoy the sunshine,it made me forget the boring things in my life.
I love the spring in Vancouver ,the weather,the sunshine and the beautiful flowers !I hope each weekend will be the sunnyday,so i can go outside with my family,enjoy the spring of Vancouver.